Friday 27 June 2014

Wild Flowers

I'm not one for gardening... In fact, anyone who knows me would say that is an understatement! But I find nature's garden hard to beat.

These flowers were at the kerbside. I'd been meaning to take their photo for several days but it's where I have the dogs on their leads so it's more tricky to do. I finally did though and it was lucky I did because the next day the council were there cutting them back with their big ride on mowers! They are the full size daisies by the way.

Kerbside flowers

A patch of tall daisies

More daisies

A field of wild flowers
I love this field, totally carpeted by wild flowers. This is the closest I have come to capturing it though and it still doesn't do it justice. It's the kind of place where you would expect lovers to escape from it all with a picnic and Pimms or perhaps even champagne!

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