Friday, 27 June 2014

Wild Flowers

I'm not one for gardening... In fact, anyone who knows me would say that is an understatement! But I find nature's garden hard to beat.

These flowers were at the kerbside. I'd been meaning to take their photo for several days but it's where I have the dogs on their leads so it's more tricky to do. I finally did though and it was lucky I did because the next day the council were there cutting them back with their big ride on mowers! They are the full size daisies by the way.

Kerbside flowers

A patch of tall daisies

More daisies

A field of wild flowers
I love this field, totally carpeted by wild flowers. This is the closest I have come to capturing it though and it still doesn't do it justice. It's the kind of place where you would expect lovers to escape from it all with a picnic and Pimms or perhaps even champagne!

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Just hanging around

I was amazed to see these snails just hanging onto the plants I was passing! You can't see how windy it was, obviously, it being a photo. I couldn't believe that they could stay on while being blown around so much.

Hanging Around

Friday, 13 June 2014

A Hint of Jamaica

I actually have some beautiful photos of Jamaica that I shall probably share at some point. However, today I passed a few of these (see photo) and they put me in mind of Jamaica. Maybe it was the colouring - red, green and gold - or a combination of the colouring and the heat. Whichever, it stirred warm happy feelings which can only be a good thing.
Red, green and gold

A Pure Heart...

... ready to be trampled...
a heart

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Monday, 9 June 2014

Where I Live

It is only since I have had my dogs that I realise what a beautiful part of England I live in and how lucky I am. It's not perfect but it can be beautiful.
I live here!

Summing up our village - stables and St Michael's Church

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Other Flora

I don't just take photos of poppies! Other flowers move me too.
Dew dropped
Just hanging around
Wild daisies, the big kind, my 4th favourite flower

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Poppies II

More poppies! Well it's that time of year! Yesterday I was walking, head down, worrying, not being mindful at all. Then I looked up to see this! It made me remember that what I was worrying about hadn't happened yet. There is no guarantee that it will. What I should have been doing was admiring the view. There was no stress or anxiety there in that actual moment.

I looked up to see this!

Head and Shoulders above the Rest